姓  名: 葛德燕
学  科: 动物学
电话/传真: (8610) 6480 7225 / (8610) 6480 7099
电子邮件: gedy@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 兽类学研究组     


  葛德燕博士,研究员。主要聚焦哺乳动物的分类学与进化研究。在分类学研究方面重点关注本底资源考察、关键疫源动物的分类与分布、动物志编研和修订、多样性起源与变迁等;在进化理论研究方面基于多组学数据、三维重建、化石和现生种分布和环境大数据重点探讨物种分化与灭绝机制,关键性状的进化规律和遗传机制以及关键类群进化动态与环境响应。任动物学国际刊物《Journal of Zoology》和《Journal of Mammalogy》副主编、国内期刊《兽类学报》和《Zoological Systematics》编委;IUCN兔形目动物专家组副主席,中国动物学会保护生物学分会委员、生物进化理论专业委员会委员和中国植物保护学会鼠害专业委员会青年委员。已发表科研论文70余篇,参与4部专著部分章节的编撰和1项专利申请。代表论文发表在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaMolecular Biology and Evolution, Functional EcologyProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological ScienceDiversity and Distributions, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology等期刊。

  1999年9月-2003年7月 安徽省淮北师范大学生命科学院 理学学士

  2003年9月-2006年7月 贵州大学动物研究所 理学硕士

  2006年9月-2009年7月 中国科学院动物研究所与英国帝国理工大学和英国自然历史博物馆联合培养 理学博士

  2009年8月-2011年7月 中国科学院动物研究所 博士后

  2011年8月-2011年12月 中国科学院动物研究所 助理研究员

  2012年1月至2022年12月 中国科学院动物研究所 副研究员

  2023年1月至今 中国科学院动物研究所 研究员





  1. 广东省重点领域研发计划:“生物安全技术”重点专项子课题:广东地区重要疫源动物分布与生态, 2022B1111040001,2022-2025 ,主持,在研。
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,鼠科(哺乳纲:啮齿目) 的快速成种与适应性进化研究,2022-2025,32170426,主持,在研。
  3. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究任务四-自然保护地体系建设专题:青藏高原自然保护地哺乳动物现状科考,2019QZKK04020201,2019-2024,主持,在研。
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,大鼠族(啮齿目:鼠亚科)的适应辐射与不同生态型代表种类的群体遗传学研究,31872958,2019-2022,主持,已结题。
  5. 英国皇家学会牛顿高级研究者计划(Newton Advanced Fellowship),解析小型哺乳动物食性的演化,合作单位:英国帝国理工大学和自然历史博物馆,NA150142,2016/02-2020/01,主持,已结题。



  1. Ge, D.Y.#, Wen, Z.X.#, Feijó, A.#, Lissovsky, A.#, Zhang, W.#, Cheng, J.L., Yan, C.C., She, H.S., Zhang, D.Z, Cheng, Y.L., Lu, L, Wu, X.L., Mu, D.P., Zhang. Y.B., Xia, L., Qu, Y.H.*, Vogler, A.P.*, Yang, Q.S*. 2023. Genomic consequences of and demographic response to pervasive hybridization over time in climate-sensitive Pikas. Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msac274.
  2. Cheng, J.L#., Peng, X.W.#, Li H.#, Feijó, A, Xia, L, Shenbrot, G.I., Ge, D.Y., Wen, Z.X., Wang, D.H., Yang, Q.S*. 2023. Similar adaptative mechanism but divergent demographic history of four sympatric desert rodents in Eurasian inland. Communications Biology, 6:33.
  3. Feijó, A.#, Ge, D.Y.#, Wen, Z.X.#, Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Patterson, B.D., Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Mammalian diversification bursts and biotic turnovers are synchronous with Cenozoic geoclimatic events in Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(49):e2207845119.
  4. Ge, D.Y.*, Qu, Y.H.*, Deng T., Thuiller, W., Fiser, C., Ericson, P.G.P., Guo, B.C., de la Sancha N.U., von der Heyden S., Hou, Z.E., Li, J.T., Abramov, A., Vogler, A.P., Jonsson, K.A. Mittermeier, R. 2022.New progress in exploring the mechanisms underlying extraordinarily high biodiversity in global hotspots and their implications for conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 28:2448-2458.
  5. Mu, D.P., Wu, X.L., Zhang, Y., Feijó, A., Wu, W., Wen, Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Yang, S.S., Shan, W.J*., Ge, D.Y*. 2022. Transcriptome analysis of the pika heart tissue reveals mechanisms underlying the adaptation of the most dominant mammals on the roof of the world. Frontiers in Genetics. doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2022. 1020789.
  6. Lissovsky, A.A.*, Svetlana, P. Y., Ekaterina, V. O., Narayan, P. K., Ge, D.Y*. 2022. Diversification in highlands: phylogeny and taxonomy of pikas of the subgenus Conothoa (Lagomorpha, Ochotonidae). Zoologica Scripta, 51(3):267-287.
  7. Ge, D.Y.#, Feijó, A.#, Wen, Z.X.#, Lissovsky A., Zhang, D.Z., Cheng, J.L., Yan, C.C., Mu, D.P., Wu, X.L., Xia, L.,Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Ancient introgression underlying the unusual mito--nuclear discordance and coat phenotypic variation in the Moupin pika. Diversity and Distributions, 28(12): 2593-2609.
  8. Wen Z,X., Feijó A., Ke J.Z., He X.C., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Tian T., Xia L., Wu Y.J., Ran J.H., Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Altitudinal dispersal process drives community assembly of montane small mammals. Ecography. 2022: e06318.
  9. Feijó, A.,Ge, D.Y.,Wen, Z.X., Xia, L.,Yang, Q.S. 2022. Identifying hotspots and priority areas for xenarthran research and conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 28:2778–279.
  10. Wen, Z.X#., Cai, T. L.#, Wu, Y. J., Feijo A., Xia, L., Cheng, J.L., Peng, X.W., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z.J., Ran, J.H., Ge, D.Y*., Yang, Q.S *. 2022. Environmental drivers of sympatric mammalian species compositional turnover in giant panda nature reserves: Implications for conservation. Science of The Total Environment., 806(Pt 4):150944.
  11. Ge, D.Y.#, Feijó, A.#, Wen, Z.X., Abramov, A.V., Lu. L., Cheng, J.L., Pan, S., Ye, S.C., Xia, L., Jiang, X.L., Vogler A.P.*, Yang, Q.S*. 2021. Demographic history and genomic response to environmental changes in a rapid radiation of wild rats. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(5):1905-1923.
  12. Lucja Fostowicz-Frelik*, Ge, D.Y*, Irina Ruf*. 2021. Editorial: Recent Advances in the Evolution of Euarchontoglires. Frontiers in Genetics, 12:773789.
  13. Wen, Z.X.#, Ge, D.Y.#, Feijó, A., Du, Y.B., Sun, J., Wang, Y.Q., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2021. Varying support for abundance-centre and congeneric-competition hypotheses along elevational transects of mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 48:616-627.
  14. Ge, D.Y.#, Feijó, A.#, Abramov, A.V., Wen Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Liu, Z.J., Xia, L., Lu, L.*, Yang, Q.S*. 2021. Molecular phylogeny and morphological diversity of the Niviventer fulvescens species complex with emphasize on species in China. Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 191(2): 528-547.
  15. Kraatz, B., Belabbas, R., Fostowicz-Frelik, Ge, D.Y., Kuznetsov, A.N., Lang, M.M., Lopez-Torres, S., Mohammadi, Z., Racicot, R.A., Ravosa, M.J., Sharp, A.C., Sherratt, E., Silcox, M.T., Slowiak, J., Winkler, AJ., Ruf, I. 2021. Lagomorpha as a model morphological system. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.636402.
  16. Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Feijo, A., Shenbrot. G., Wen, Z.X., Ge, D.Y., Lu, L., Yang, Q.S.*. 2021. Phylogeny, taxonomic reassessment and ‘ecomorph’ relationship of the Orientallactaga sibirica complex (Rodentia: Dipodidae: Allactaginae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 192(1):185-205
  17. Ma, L., Rong, M.C., Qu, J.P., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S., Wilcove D.S. 2021. Predicting range shifts of pikas (Mammalia, Ochotonidae) in China under scenarios incorporating land-use change, climate change, and dispersal limitations. Diversity and Distributions, 27(12): 2384-2396.
  18. Wang, Y.Q., Feijó, A, Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Wen, Z.X., Ge, D.Y., Sun, J., Lu. L., Li, S., Yang, Q.S.*. 2021. Ring distribution patterns-diversification or speciation? Comparative phylogeography of two small mammals in the mountains surrounding the Sichuan Basin. Molecular Ecology, 30:2641-2658.
  19. Feijó, A.#, Ge, D.Y.#, Wen, Z. X.,Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2020. Divergent adaptations in resource‐use traits explain how pikas thrive on the roof of the world. Functional Ecology, 34:1826-1838.
  20. Wen, Z.X., Feijó, A., Cheng, J.L., Du, Y.B, Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S.*. 2021. Explaining mammalian abundance and elevational range size with body mass and niche characteristics. Journal of Mammalogy, 102(1):13-27.
  21. Sun. J., Wen, Z.X., Feijó, A., Wang, Y. Q., Li S., Ge, D.Y. , Xia, L., Yang, Q.S. 2020. Elevation patterns and critical environmental drivers of the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of small mammals in a karst mountain area. Ecology and Evolution, ece3.6750
  22. Feijó, A., Wang, Y.Q., Sun, J., Li, F., Wen, Z., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2019. Research trends on bats in China: a twenty-first century review. Mammalian Biology, 98:163-172.
  23. He, Y., Hu, S.Z., Ge, D.Y*, Yang, Q.S., Connor, T., Zhou, C.Q*. 2019. Evolutionary history of Spalacidae inferred from fossil occurrences and molecular phylogeny. Mammal Review, 50(2020):11-24.
  24. Wen, Z.X., Cai, T.L., Feijó, A., Xia. L., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S*. 2020. Using completeness and defaunation indices to understand nature reserve’s key attributes in preserving medium- and large-bodied mammals. Biological Conservation, 241:108273.
  25. Kumar, B. K., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L, Yang, Q.S*. 2019. Phylogeography and ecological niche modeling unravel the evolutionary history of the Yarkand hare, Lepus yarkandensis (Mammalia: Leporidae), through the Quaternary. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19(1):113.
  26. Ge, D.Y., Feijó, A., Cheng, J.L., Lu, L., Liu, R., Abramov, A.V., Xia, L., Wen, Z., Zhang, W., Shi, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2019. Evolutionary history of field mice (Murinae: Apodemus), with emphasis on morphological variation among species in China and description of a new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society,187: 518–534.
  27. Ge, D.Y., Lu, L., Abramov, A.V., Wen, Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Vogler, A. P., Yang, Q.S*. 2019. Coalescence Models reveal the rise of the white-bellied rat (Niviventer confucianus) following the loss of Asian megafauna. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 26:423–434.
  28. Feijó, A., Wen, Z., Cheng, J., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2019. Divergent selection along elevational gradients promotes genetic and phenotypic disparities among small mammals populations. Ecology and Evolution, 9(12):7080-7095.
  29. Ge, D.Y., Lu, L., Xia, L., Du, Y.B., Wen, Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Abramov, A.V., Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Molecular phylogeny, morphological diversity, and systematic revision of a species complex of common wild rat species in China (Rodentia, Murinae). Journal of Mammalogy, 99(6): 1350–1374.
  30. Zhu, K.L., Ge, D.Y., Wen, Z.X., Xia, L, Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Evolutionary Genetics of Hypoxia and Cold Tolerance in Mammals. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 86(9):618-634.
  31. Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Lu, L., Yang, Q.S*.2018. Phylogeny and taxonomic reassessment of jerboa, Dipus (Rodentia, Dipodinae), in inland Asia. Zoologica Scripta,47, 630-644.
  32. Wen, Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Lv, X., Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Abundance–occupancy and abundance–body mass relationships of small mammals in a mountainous landscape. Landscape Ecology, 33:1711-1724.
  33. Lv, X., Cheng, J. L., Meng, Y., Chang, Y.B., Xia, X., Wen, Z.X., Ge, D.Y., Liu, S.Y., Yang Q, S*. 2018. Disjunct distribution and distinct intraspecific diversification of Eothenomys melanogaster in South China. BMC Evolutionary Biology,18:50.
  34. Wen, Z.X., Wu, Y. J., Cheng, J.L. Cai, T.L., Du, Y.B., Ge, D.Y. Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Abundance of small mammals correlates with their elevational range sizes and elevational distributions in the subtropics. Ecography, 41: 1888–1898.
  35. Ge, D.Y., Lu, L., Cheng, J. L., Xia, L., Chang, Y.B., Wen, Z.X., Lv, X., Du, Y.B., Liu, Q.Y., Yang, Q.S*. 2017. An endemic rat species complex is evidence of moderate environmental changes in the terrestrial biodiversity centre of China through the late quaternary. Scientific Reports, 7, 46127.
  36. Du, Y.B., Wen, Z.X., Zhang, J.L., Lv, X., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2017. The roles of environment, space, and phylogeny in determining functional dispersion of rodents (Rodentia) in the Hengduan Mountains, China. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 10941-10951.
  37. Lissovsky, A.A*., Obolenskaya, E.V., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S. 2017. Phylogeny and distribution of Palaearctic chipmunks Eutamias (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 28: 12172.
  38. Ma, H.D., Ge, D.Y., Shenbrot, G., Pisano, J., Yang, Q.S., Zhang, Z.Q*. 2016. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in correlation with diet preferences and habitats. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 24:485-494.
  39. Lv, X., Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Wu, Y.J., Yang, Q.S*. 2016. Climatic niche conservatism and ecological opportunity in the explosive radiation of arvicoline rodents (Arvicolinae, Cricetidae). Evolution, 70, 1094-1104.
  40. Fontanesi, L., Di Palma, F., Flicek, P., Smith, A.T., Thulin, C.G., Alves, P.C., Lagomorph Genomics Consortium. 2016. LaGomiCs—Lagomorph Genomics Consortium: An international collaborative effort for sequencing the genomes of an entire mammalian order. Journal of Heredity,107, 295-308.
  41. Lv, X., Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Wen, Z.X., Qu, Y.H., Lu, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2016. Continental refugium in the Mongolian Plateau during Quaternary glacial oscillations: phylogeography and niche modelling of the endemic desert hamster, Phodopus roborovskii. PLoS ONE, 11, e0148182.
  42. Wen, Z.X., Yang, Q.S*, Quan, Q., Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Lv, X. 2016. Multiscale partitioning of small mammal b-diversity provides novel insights into the Quaternary faunal history of Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and Hengduan Mountains. Journal of Biogeography, 43, 1412-1424.
  43. Wen, Z.X., Quan, Q., Du, Y.B , Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S*. 2016. Dispersal, niche, and isolation processes jointly explain species turnover patterns of nonvolant small mammals in a large mountainous region of China. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1962.
  44. Ge, D.Y., Yao, L., Xia, L., Zhang, Z.Q., Yang, Q.S*. 2015. Geometric morphometric analysis of skull morphology reveals loss of phylogenetic signal at the generic level in extant lagomorphs (Mammalia: Lagomorpha). Contributions to Zoology, 84 (4): 267-284.
  45. Lu, L.#, Ge, D.Y.#, Chesters, D., Simon, Y.W. Ho, Ma, Y., Li, G.C., Wen, Z.X., Wu, Y.J., Wang, J., Xia, L., Liu, J.L., Guo, T.Y., Zhang, X.L., Zhu, C.D., Yang, Q.S*., Liu, Q.Y*. 2015. Molecular phylogeny and the underestimated species diversity of the endemic white-bellied rat (Rodentia: Muridae: Niviventer) in Southeast Asia and China. Zoologica Scripta, 44(5): 475-494.
  46. Wen, Z.X., Wu, Y.J., Du, Y.B. Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S*, Shen L.M. 2014. Seasonal change of species diversity patterns of Non-volant small mammals along three subtropical elevational gradients. Biotropica, 46(4): 479-488.
  47. Ge, D.Y., Liu, X., Lv, X.F, Xia, L., Zhang, Z.Q., Yang, Q.S*. 2014. Historical Biogeography and Body Form Evolution of Ground Squirrels (Sciuridae: Xerinae). Evolutionary Biology, 41:99-114.
  48. Ge, D.Y., Wen, Z.X., Xia, L., Zhang, Z.Q., Erbajeva M., Huang, C.M., Yang, Q.S*. 2013. Evolutionary history of lagomorphs in response to global environmental change. PLoS ONE. 8(4):e59668.
  49. Lv, X.F., Ge, D. Y., Xia, L., Huang, C.M., Yang, Q.S*. 2013.A geometric morphometric study of the skull shape diversification in squirrels (Mammalia, Rodentia). Integrative Zoology,. 9(3):231-45.
  50. Lv, X.F., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Zhang, Z.Q. Li S., Yang Q.S*. 2013. The evolution and paleobiogeography of flying squirrels (Sciuridae, Pteromyini) in response to global environmental change. Evolutionary Biology, 40:117–132.
  51. Zhang, Q., Xia, L., Kimura, Y., Shenbrot, G., Zhang, Z.Q., Ge, D.Y., Yang Q.S*. 2012. Trace the Origin and Diversification of Dipodoidea (Order: Rodentia): Evidence from both Fossil Records and Molecular Phylogeny. Evolutionary Biology, 40:32–44.
  52. Ge, D.Y., Zhang, Z.Q., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Ma, Y., Yang, Q.S*. 2012. Did the expansion of C4 plants drive extinction and massive range contraction of micromammals? A case inferred from food preference and historical biogeography of pikas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 320-328: 160-171.
  53. Ge, D.Y., Lissovsky, A.A., Xia, L., Cheng, C., Smith, A., Yang, Q.S*. 2012. Reevaluation of several taxa of Chinese lagomorphs (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) described on the basis of pelage phenotype variation. Mammalian Biology, 77(2): 113-123.
  54. Ge, D.Y., Gómez-Zurita, J., Chesters, D., Yang, X.K*., Vogler, A.P*. 2012. Suprageneric systematics of flea beetles (Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) inferred from multilocus sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62(3):793-805.
  55. Ge, D.Y., Chesters. D., Gómez-Zurita, J., Zhang, L.J., Yang, X.K*., Vogler, A.P*. 2011. Anti-predator defense drives parallel morphological evolution in flea beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science, 278(1715):2133-41.
  56. Ge, D.Y., Wang, S.Y., Yang, X.K*. 2010. A new species of the genus Phygasia Chevrolat from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Biologia, 65(2): 325-329.
  57. Ge, D.Y., Wang, S.Y., Yang, X.K*. 2009. Study on the Genus Philopona Weise (Coleoptera , Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) and a New Species from China. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 111(1): 27-32.
  58. Ge, D.Y., Wang, S.Y., Yang, X.K*. 2008. Study on Phygasia Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae)from China, with description of eight new species. Biologia, 63(4), 553-565.
  59. Ge, D.Y., Chen, X.S*. 2008. Review of the genus Palaeothespis Tinkham (Mantodea: Thespidae) with description of one new species. Zootaxa, 1716, 53-58.
  60. 魏辅文,杨奇森,吴毅,蒋学龙,刘少英,李保国,杨光,李明,周江,李松,胡义波,葛德燕,李晟,余文华,陈炳耀,张泽钧,周材权,吴诗宝,张立,陈中正,陈顺德,邓怀庆,江廷磊,张礼 标,石红艳,卢学理,李权,刘铸,崔雅倩,李玉春. 中国兽类名录 (2021 版) . 兽类学报, 41 (5):487–501.
  61. 程继龙,夏霖,温知新,张乾,葛德燕,杨奇森. 2021. 中国跳鼠总科物种的系统分类学研究进展, 兽 类学报. 41(03):275-283.
  62. 李飞虹,杨奇森,温知新,夏霖,张锋,Alexei Abramov, 葛德燕*. 2019. 安氏白腹鼠的形态分化与 分布范围修订. 兽类学报, 40(3):209-230.
  63. 常勇斌,杨奇森,温知新, 吕雪,夏霖,程继龙,Andrey A. Lissovsky ,侯建华,葛德燕*. 2017. 间 颅鼠兔的种群遗传结构和历史演化动态研究. 兽类学报, 36(4): 373-387.
  64. 刘蓉蓉, 葛德燕, 鲁亮, 夏霖, 刘起勇, 杨奇森. 2017. 中国姬鼠属种类的 DNA 条形码鉴定及其分布. 中国 媒介生物学及控制杂志,2: 97- 103.
  65. 程承,葛德燕,夏霖,周财权,杨奇森. 2012. 中国“草兔”头骨的形态计量学研究. 兽类学报, 32(4): 1-10.
  66. 葛德燕,夏霖, 吕雪霏,黄乘明,杨奇森,黄建华. 2012. 几何形态学方法及其在动物发育与系统进 化研究中的应用. 动物分类学报,37(2): 296-304.


  1. 葛德燕,杨奇森. 2022. 兔形目. 魏辅文等主编:中国兽类分类与分布. 北京:科学出版社.
  2. 杨奇森,刘少英,李松,葛德燕,周材权,夏霖. 2022. 啮齿目.魏辅文等主编:中国兽类分类与分布. 北京:科学出版社.
  3. 王书永, 葛德燕, 杨星科. 2010. 鞘翅目,叶甲科,跳甲亚科. 陈祥盛等主编:麻阳河景观昆虫.234-238.
  4. 葛德燕, 陈祥盛. 2005. 螳螂: 螳科, 花螳科.杨茂发, 金道超主编. 贵州大沙河昆虫.贵阳:贵州人民出版社.58-61.
  5. 葛德燕, 陈祥盛. 2007. 螳螂: 螳科, 花螳科. 李子忠,杨茂发, 金道超主编. 雷公山景观昆虫.贵阳:贵州科 技出版社.93-98.


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